The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted the global economy, and led to both supply and demand shocks to the Singapore economy. While the recent development and administration of vaccines mean that an end is in sight, much of the world has struggled with widespread vaccine administration.
However, according to The New York Times, Singapore has performed well in its fight against COVID-19. We are among the top 20 countries in the world and the best in Asia in terms of vaccines delivered per capita.
EMS Group is proud to have contributed to this through our support of nationwide vaccination efforts. Since January, our engineers have been hard at work setting up cabling infrastructure for many of the vaccination centres operated by Raffles Medical Group, providing healthcare workers with IT Services and Wi-Fi access to streamline the vaccination drive.
By lending our assistance to those working on the frontlines, we hope to help Singapore re-open her borders and rebuild our economy.

Doing Our Part
